Wing, desk screen, T20

Original attachment


Desk screen, thickness 2 cm, mounted with a steel bracket and wood screws into the desktop.

f you don’t want a full sofa set, it is well suited for combining with almost any type of chair. A small gap between the seat and the backrest also makes it easy to keep clean. The opening prevents dust and crumbs from accumulating, making it an excellent choice for cafeteria or café furniture.

The Scan Sørlie desk screens are sound absorbent according to ISO standard.

Tt screen provides shielding, and with a toolbar they also make clear som space from the desk.

There are 3 different qualitys with 3 different mounting brackets.

The 2 cm thick screen has brackets to screw into underneath the desktop, mounted to have 33 or 45 cm screen height. The 4 cm thick upon-desktop screen is mounted with clamp brackets, with no screw into the desktop, height 50 cm. The 4 cm thick in-front-of-desk screen is also mounted with clamp screw, total height on the svreen are 65 cm. Both the two 4 cm thick models cam have toolbar.

All models  with MDF/particle or Rockwool/solid wood core.


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Width cm
Length cm
Diameter cm
Height cm
Seat width cm
Seat length cm
Seat height cm
Armrest height cm
Number of legs st
Media hatches st
Thickness mm